DAY FOUR was a very successful tour day for TPX IV with rallies in San Diego and Yuma, Az. Featured speaker Newt Gingrich spoke at the rally in San Diego. Author and conservative speaker Kevin Jackson also took the stage. Tour embed Andrea Shea King posted a slide show from the beautiful venue at San Diego--The Radio Patriot.
DAY FIVE has TPX IV arriving in Phoenix, AZ. for a 12 noon rally at the capitol. Sheriff Joe will be the featured speaker but, according to tour officials, he will be joined by a very special guest. I suggest you gather up the kids, friends and neighbors and head on over to the rally.
Pictured below: Lloyd Marcus--American!--being interviewed at a tour stop. Marcus is always in high demand for interviews during these tours and he accommodates as many as he can. LIVE STREAMING of tour rallies can be seen at Liberty.com--with a special guest joining Sheriff Joe in Phoenix, today is one of those days you'll want to be tuned in. That is, if you can't attend in person. TPX IV is eastbound, so check the tour schedule for upcoming rallies.
Be sure to visit some of the bloggers who are helping spread the word about TPX IV--Terresa Monroe-Hamilton at NoisyRoom; John Ruberry at Chicago's Marathon Pundit; Melanie Morgan and Barbara at American Freedom. Can't thank these patriots enough.
UPDATES will fall in below as Andrea reports in with news from the road.
THE ANDREA SHEA KING SHOW broadcasting "live" from the TPX IV--nightly at 9 PM ET. Be there!
UPDATE: Tea Party Express IV made the papers in Yuma this morning. Story here. Also, Tea Party T-shirts ok at some polling sites.**UPDATE II: 11:15 am- ***BREAKING NEWS*** at NoisyRoom--TPX IV Phoenix rally special guest! *12 noon Phoenix--Palin was the special guest. NoisyRoom has the video news report.
***UPDATE III: 12:20 PM Phoenix rally--Sarah Palin was preparing to leave, walking to the TPX bus when protesters begin yelling for her to "go home" and that she "stinks." Baby Trig was in her arms, scared and crying. Security was around Palin and got her onto the bus ok. Lovely people, the Left. (Photos and report by Andrea Shea King--www.radiopatriot.wordpress.com)
Labels: American Freedom, Code Pink, Joe Arpaio, Lloyd Marcus, Marathon Pundit, Melanie Morgan, Noisyroom.net, Sarah Palin, Tea Party Express IV, The Andrea Shea King Show
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