Monday, December 05, 2011


It seemed like a long weekend since we didn't do a show on Friday, and we won't be doing a show this evening either. Andrea's in transit back from the Boston area and will be arriving at her Florida estate later this afternoon. Regular programming for The Andrea Shea King Show will resume on Tuesday at 9 pm et with actor/singer Robert Davi.

Over the weekend I found an outrageous piece in my inbox sent by Joan Swirsky--slugged "It's official--the USA is now stark raving mad!" And Swirsky would be correct with that tease. Read it for yourself and you'll see what she means. It seems there's no end to these type stories, incidents or whatever you want to call them. But they must come to an end. Oh, and Swirsky sent this along as well--"Iron Curtain Begins Descending Onto the United States of America." Enjoy. It's an Obama world!

In another email, a good friend of mine--Kinch--sent the piece posted below. It was found at this blogsite and supposedly it comes from a 1949 news article. Not sure if that's true but I posted the piece, anyway:

And I can't forget this little post by Terresa Monroe-Hamilton at The NoisyRoom Blog, where TMH lets it fly. I feel this way most days, Terresa, so don't feel like the Lone Ranger. "Apocalypse Nowish." While you're over at NoisyRoom, hit the link for KeyWiki. A treasure trove of information for your research projects.


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