I don't know if Ann Coulter has an agent or not, but I think she's every bit as good as Carson was. Why? Because she delivers in a big way. When it comes to the liberal media she knows just what buttons to push and when to push them, especially if she has a new book hitting the shelves. And, it just so happens that Coulter has a new book. Imagine that.
In her WorldNetDaily column this week, Coulter explains the whole NBC flap--the ban--how it all came about, and how it ended. Then, she begins to tear into the MSM, giving prime examples of their slanted, supportive coverage of Obama's campaign. To balance it out, she contrasts with their coverage of Palin. There's much more in the article but it's clear the MSM was scared to death of Palin and head-over-heels in love with Obama. It's equally clear the MSM is scared to death of Coulter too. However, this week, like Carson, Ann Coulter owned NBC, lock, stock and barrel. Here's a snip from her article:
"When the Obama family materialized, the media were seized by a mass psychosis that hadn't been witnessed since Beatlemania. OK! magazine raved that the Obamas "are such an all-American family that they almost make the Brady Bunch look dysfunctional." Yes, who can forget the madcap episode when the Bradys' wacky preacher tells them the government created AIDS to kill blacks!
Still gushing, OK! magazine's crack journalists reported: "Mom goes to bake sales, dad balances the checkbook, and the girls love Harry Potter" – and then the whole family goes to a racist huckster who shouts, "God damn America!"--finish it here.
A lot of people say Coulter is over-the-top when it comes to her criticisms of the MSM and the democrats--that she's too extreme. Sometimes she is, but I don't think it's a negative. Not in the least. In fact, more of us should be just as nasty, over-the-top and deliberate when it comes to the MSM. After all, the MSM is the most powerful force in existence. That power, that responsibility, has not been used to inform the public through truthful reporting; it's been used to more or less destroy a once great Nation. Treason comes to mind.
I will add this: If you want to be as effective as Coulter, you'd better know one thing: the facts. Just the facts, ma'am.
Kudos to Coulter. I'm glad she's on our side.
Well, I started this with a Johnny Carson link, might as well end it with one. Here's Johnny!!
Now, follow me at Twitter. Does Ann Coulter Tweet, you ask? Give me a break. (it wouldn't hurt her to do it more often, though)
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