Thursday, December 28, 2006


A couple days ago, I posted about "12 Angry Men." It was an inside joke about me being picked for jury duty. Pam at Blogmeister USA saw the post and thought I was involved in a play or something, so today she emailed wanting to know more about my theatre experience! Pam's involved in the theatre so she was hoping to swap some stories with me.

My "acting" experience was easy enough to put in an email to Pam. One play in 3rd grade, "A Christmas Carol." I played Scrooge's nephew, Fred. I must have been bad because I was never in another play. That's show biz!!

Pam enjoys participating in the theatre and she says she can carry a tune. However, she admits having trouble "belting it out" like the pros on Broadway so the patrons in the back rows can hear.

For theatre stories, I advised her to contact Mark Vance. I understand he has a little acting and singing experience--in fact, when he sings they can hear him in the back rows, the lobby, and in the line out front!!!

Pam is one of my favorite people on the internet. She's a talented writer/blogger and I bet she's a good actor as well. She was generous enough to allow me to post a picture of her in costume from a couple years ago. The show was Tartuffe. She played Elmire, wife of Orgon.

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