To make this simple, Palm Beach regulations limit the size of the flag and pole that you can display: 4X6 flag, 42 ft pole. That's the max.
Trump, on the other hand, thought his property, which is massive, needed a bigger flag, higher pole, so he erected this: 15X25 flag, 80 ft pole.
Since Trump didn't obtain a permit (a permit that would have been denied), city officials decided to fine Trump $1250 a day for violating the city's regs. The Donald refuses to take down the flag. Trump turned the tables on Palm Beach and filed a $25 million lawsuit against the town, claiming his "expression of free speech" has been violated. City officials admit that this battle has gotten out of hand and have asked a Federal Court to make the call.

I'm sure there will be one or two who will say that Trump is just doing this to get his name in the paper or on TV. I don't believe that nor do I care if he gets a lot of press from this battle. That's his job and he does it well. Since the FLAG is involved here, I side with the Donald.
***Take a tour of his Palm Beach Estate. And, just for fun, email the city officials in Palm Beach and let 'em know what you think. Just for fun.
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