Sunday, September 04, 2011

Update on Dave

Dear friends,

Dave has asked me to post this for his readers who have probably noticed that he hasn't posted a blog since mid-August. He's asked me to tell you the reason why.

As many of you know, Dave has been battling leukemia since he was first diagnosed with the disease in 2007. He's still battling this blood disorder that causes his bone marrow to create way too many white blood cells, strangling the production of the red cells needed to be healthy.

Dave hasn't felt well for several weeks and the reason is his disease has -- as he put it -- "flipped a switch" and has become particularly aggressive.

Dave is getting the care and treatment he needs to battle what was originally diagnosed as Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia. Tomorrow he is scheduled to have a bone marrow biopsy so the doctors who are treating him will have a better understanding of what they're up against. That will in turn, determine the treatment Dave will undergo in an effort to return him back to health.

Please keep Dave in your prayers as he travels this road. He is a valiant warrior in the defense of our great nation, and he will need the same determination to beat back the leukemia that wants to ravage his body.

You can leave him messages here in the comment section, or email them to me at, or send cards or notes directly to him at:

Wm. David Logan
c/o UC Davis Medical Center
4501 X Street
Sacramento, CA 95817

Thank you.

Andrea Shea King
The Radio Patriot

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