The "FIGHT FOR VICTORY TOUR", sponsored by Move America Forward, has arrived in Washington after a cross-country tour and is now joined up with "GATHERING OF EAGLES III" for a huge pro-troop rally, which is taking place as I write this. **UPDATE: Michelle Malkin was at the GOE and liveblogged the event. Pam Meister was there too--check out her great pics and commentary.
Lt. Col. Buzz Patterson, who led the tour across the country, will be our guest this Sunday night on THE ANDREA SHEA-KING SHOW to give us a rundown on the tour as well as the rally in Washington. Kristinn Taylor of Free Republic has been invited to join us to give his after-action report of the weekend's activities too. Following are the instructions and links for Andrea's "live" internet stream:
*****THE ANDREA SHEA-KING SHOW, Sunday, 9 PM EST, Orlando, Florida, 580 WDBO.
To hear the show, click 580WDBO. At the top of the page is a "listen live" link. Click it and a player will launch. If the player doesn't launch all the way, and that happens sometimes if you have pop-ups running, just "X" it out (the player) and click the "listen live" link again. That should do it.
To participate in Andrea's "live" in-show chat room, click here. In the upper right hand corner, click "enter chat room". Once the chat room launches, click the "guest" box at the top, then type in the screen name that you'll be using. Then you'll be asked to choose between two chat rooms--choose Sunday Night Show. It's that easy. Now, the chat room is optional but I encourage you to use it while listening to the show because you can ask questions and be part of the show. Plus you get to mingle with other listeners and bloggers.
See you Sunday night!! And don't forget, Andrea blogs at The Radio Patriot.
Andrea with Buzz Patterson:

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