Thursday, December 03, 2009


Retired LTC Allen West is the type of conservative candidate who can help put America back on the tracks to recovery. The establishment republican party, led by Michael "Welcome to our big tent" Steele," has a different idea. West, and many conservatives like him, don't figure prominently in the RNC's 2010 plan. Well, the RNC doesn't figure in our plans, either.

I've always been impressed with West and I'm confident he'll be one of Florida's new congressmen come November 2010. You don't live in Florida? Send him some support anyway. We need more leaders like West in congress.

West for U. S. Congress--Florida's District 22:

Part of West's speech reminded me of Patton's closing remarks below:

*The Speech: June 5, 1944--Gen. George S. Patton, Jr.*

"...The General paused. His eagle like eyes swept over the hillside. He said with pride, "There is one great thing that you men will all be able to say after this war is over and you are home once again. You may be thankful that twenty years from now when you are sitting by the fireplace with your grandson on your knee and he asks you what you did in the great World War II, you WON'T have to cough, shift him to the other knee and say, "Well, your Granddaddy shoveled shit in Louisiana." No, Sir, you can look him straight in the eye and say, "Son, your Granddaddy rode with the Great Third Army and a Son-of-a-Goddamned-Bitch named Georgie Patton!"

20 years from now, what will your response be when your grandchildren ask the question?


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