Thursday, June 09, 2005


***Here in Folsom I've got the prison on one side and Al Qaida on the other...just down the road. They're probably in all our towns.

UPDATE: The Toronto Trim?? I've heard it all now, ladies.

****When I first saw her name in the paper, a red flag went up. I thought it strange, though not unheard of, that she used her maiden name. LIFELIKE PUNDITS explains why.

***Warning: Try reading just one.

***Iraqi oil production: A view from the cockpit.

***I put this site together a few years ago to locate all my Army buddies. It took some time and the help of a P.I. but I found most of them. Look Ma, no airplane! TWD then and now.

***When I go to a restaurant and see this sign, I immediately ask for my 50 cents back. When they tell me I have to contact the vendor, I ask to use their phone. Idiots.

***O'Neill offers Kerry some help.

***Pam at Blogmeister USA is making the grade in my homestate. (scroll)

***I really don't like RAP music, but I had to give the boys a try...not bad, either. Live!! From Lucky Dawg News.

***John Wayne weighs in. And I agree with him.

***Ben Stein says all that needs to be said. From Powerline.

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