Friday, November 03, 2006

PROJECT VALOUR-IT...and other news

Fundraising for Project Valour-IT is coming along very well. We're one-third of the way there, but there's still much work to do. Don't let up now!! Team Air force is in second place, solidly. Team Doggies are in first.

There's now an auction taking place at eBay for two signed books by Richard S. Lowry; proceeds will go into the general fund.

Marines in the Garden of Eden--BID!!

Gulf War Chronicles--BID!!

Team Air Force's Commander, John Noonan.

**********OTHER NEWS

CONSTITUTIONAL PUBLIC RADIO, hosted by Mark Vance and Andrea Shea-King, has unveiled its new CHAT ROOM. The other one was nice but had some speed issues. The new one operates beautifully and will be a great addition to the show.

BTW, It's Blogger Friday at CPR. The show airs at 3 PM EST live on the internet. The new Chat Room is located here. Come join us.

Mark and Andrea blog at The Radio Patriots. Today, they have a story about an upcoming program on Fox TV that you'll not want to miss.

BLOGMEISTER USA has all kinds of good posts. Check her out.

A Rose By Any Other Name gives you something to think about.

MR. AND MRS. MEDIA MATTERS dressed Parker for Halloween. Stop by and leave them a note.

Question: Anyone out there have news about John Kerry?

Brought to you by The Radio Patriots. Thanks!!

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