Pat Curley--The Brainster--was on the show last night--it was a great interview. I highly recommend this one.
ARCHIVE: Brainster discussing the McCain Campaign.
"Politicians are the lowest form of life on earth. Liberal Democrats are the lowest form of politician." --General George S. Patton, Jr.
Pat Curley--The Brainster--was on the show last night--it was a great interview. I highly recommend this one.
This is one of the best photo shop jobs of the season; it gives an accurate account of the MSM. Hat tip to AMERICA IS AN OBAMANATION! (Rev. Right) More from Malkin.
If you have friends, family, co-workers or neighbors that aren't sure who to vote for, have them read this comprehensive look at Barack Obama.
...but you can't say that because you'll be called a RACIST. That's the way of the world these days. For other topical videos, go here. Post them, too!!
The latest from Jack Cashill:
"Evidence continues to mount that Barack Obama had substantial help from Bill Ayers in the creation of his 1995 book, Dreams From My Father, a book that Time Magazine has called “the best-written memoir ever produced by an American politician.” The evidence falls into five general categories, here summarized:" Continue reading.
I've been having internet connection probs all week. Today the problem was solved but I'm sure it will return shortly. I wanted to post this alert on my site while I was able to. See ya soon...I hope.
Today, Spencer Hughes announced the winners (scroll) of the Battle of the Blog Talkers: Kevin Ross of Los Angeles took the top spot on the right with the most votes.
**UPDATE: Online voting is now closed and the votes are being counted. Winner will be announced on Monday. Check back for the results. And thanks for all the emails--your expressions of support are most appreciated.
This morning Glenn Beck was talking about this scene from It's a Wonderful Life. The rush--panic--to do something now is evident and it reminds us of what we're doing today. The point of the scene is simple: Think about what you're about to do.
A couple interesting observations by Beck: In today's context, who or what does Potter remind you of? The sirens?