"Politicians are the lowest form of life on earth. Liberal Democrats are the lowest form of politician." --General George S. Patton, Jr.
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
It's difficult to stay pissed off at any one Obama policy for too long because we get hit with a new outrage each day. So it's always something eating at us. But some policies or statements by Obama should never be forgotten nor should we ever stop sounding off about them.
Obama's recent apology for mishandling a couple korans is so outrageous that I'm about to blow a vein. I don't think my feelings on this are unique, either. Now two American GIs are dead as a result of the korans, and Obama stands by his apology. This is unacceptable. My position on this matter is as follows:
Obama's apology was agreed to and endorsed by all members of Congress if they didn't immediately speak out against it in no uncertain terms--LOUD and CLEAR--by all means at their disposal for as long as it takes for Obama to reverse his stance.
This statement includes all military leadership--active and retired--the clergy, the media and all "so-called" freedom loving Americans who sit by in what can only be described as silent agreement.
Radio host Mark Levin has come out with his opinion. In fact, Levin takes it a step further and apologizes to the American military for Obama's apology. Worth the listen:
If you're confused about what's going with the world, the United States and all things in-between, just take a listen to Friday's Andrea Shea King Show with Ann Barnhardt. Ann will put you back on course--true north. Take a listen.
Will you be part of something historic, or is there something better on tv?
Just a reminder to tune into The Andrea Shea King Show--weeknights at 9 PM ET. Yes, the chat room will be open and the call-in number is: 646-478-4604.
Are you involved in the politics of the day? Do you do more than watch it play out on cable tv? Did you ever want to be part of a political operation that will be remembered in the history books? How about being part of something that allows your children to live in a better place?
Andrea Shea King over at The Radio Patriot has a post about an operation exactly like that. Get involved--in a big way or a small way, just get involved.
Where I live here in Northern California--outside my front door--one giant oak tree decided it had had enough and let loose of its grip on Mother Earth... and fell with a crash that sent all birds in the area to flight. Even the turkeys got off the ground. Officials are still deciding what to do with it. I took the following two videos just after the dust settled. And for more of my videos, here's the link to my channel at YouTube.
The Radio Patriot Andrea Shea King couldn't make it to CPAC this year, but this write up by John Hawkins at RWN is the next best thing to being there. Great job, JH! And our Thanks goes out to Terresa at NoisyRoom Blog for passing this post around on her email list.
**Hawkins has lots of pics from CPAC--my fav is Dana with the Tee Shirt about TSA. Don't care who you are... that is funny!
This week in Andrea Shea King's WND column, Surfin' Safari, Andrea leads off with how your government can't help itself when it comes to influencing and eventually controlling the Internet.
No matter how much we tell the government to keep its grimy, little bureaucratic hands off the Internet, they continue their attempts to influence it through proposed government programs and taxation.
Terresa Monroe-Hamilton's NoisyRoom Blog has a video interview with John Williams of shadowstats.com, an interview that deals with where we as a people and our financial systems are headed.
It's not one of those over-your-head econ discussions at all. It boils down to this: keep spending like you are (congress) and the main world currency--the dollar--will no longer be of value to you or anyone else. Williams sees a currency shift toward something backed by gold. But, without a doubt, if Washington continues its ways--spend, spend, spend--in time we will see changes in our lives that will not make us happy. Certainly your children and their children won't be happy with it. They'll be standing around wondering what the hell WE were thinking.
So after you're finished mourning Whitney, click over to NoisyRoom and learn something. That is all.
Just one outstanding story. As the story progressed, I began to think of Roger Locher as today's America. Which leaves the question hanging out there: what will we be willing to do to rescue this great nation? What?
Today is Ronald Reagan's Birthday. Boy do we need someone like "The Gipper" in the White House, but this election cycle doesn't have much in the way of a true conservative on the menu. John Ruberry of Marathon Pundit has put together a wonderful post about Reagan's birthday. Happy Birthday, Mr. President!
Over the weekend I was privy to an email thread dealing with the presidential elections. I was amazed at many of the comments. Here's the deal--my opinion--for this go-around: Mitt will be the republican nominee; Obama will be re-elected. If the MSM is completely stacked against you, then you will lose most times. This "my friends" is one of those times. Deal with it!
Also much talk over the weekend about Obama's eligibility case in Georgia. The decision was horrendous as well as frightening, and is direct evidence that this nation of ours no longer has a justice system. We now operate with just two branches of government, with one of those branches owning the other. So if you do the math on that proposition, we really operate with just one branch of government... and his name is Obama. If you're not scared yet, then you're plain stupid. The Radio Patriot has the details.
As of this writing, we're still not sure if we'll be having an Andrea Shea King Show this evening. Andrea was traveling across the Fruited Plain recently, Tea Party Express--Florida, and caught herself a cold--a whopper, so she's not completely up to par. We'll see how it plays out as the day goes on.