I have some personal business that needs my attention for a few days. Will return on the weekend or Monday at the latest. In the meantime, there's plenty of fine folks listed on my blogroll.
"Politicians are the lowest form of life on earth. Liberal Democrats are the lowest form of politician." --General George S. Patton, Jr.
I have some personal business that needs my attention for a few days. Will return on the weekend or Monday at the latest. In the meantime, there's plenty of fine folks listed on my blogroll.
Blogmeister USA is posting about British schools dropping some traditional teaching lessons. In time, they'll learn what a bad idea this is.
A full show tonight from Orlando, Florida.
Fred Phelps shows up at another military funeral, but this time his band of cowards are forced to run for cover. Watch the action from inside their van as they flee the mourners' wrath. It's about time. Hat tip: Ace of SpadesHQ
Just watched the "The Sopranos" spoof that was done by Hillary's campaign. "Her Royal Pantsuit" has picked a song for her campaign theme and she's using this video to get the buzz started. It's a good video, sickening, but good. And, each scene has a clear meaning. And the winning song is....
This morning I was looking around for the latest on the Amnesty Bill. Lots of stuff out there. Some posts are packed with info and quite lengthy, but this post by Christi at CSA sums up the whole situation in two short paragraphs. Plus, she adds a cartoon video that adds to the simplicity of the explanation.
Can't get it anymore or won't? PBS development...hmmm. Walter Cronkite as Ben Franklin? (bad casting, to be sure) Again...hmmm. I'm probably reading too much into this...hmmm.
Since we're talking about history, Pam at Blogmeister USA took time away from her extensive "writing and business empire" to take the kids to The Museum of Natural History in NYC. During the obligatory stop at the gift shop, she found one gift that comes with an agenda attached. They think of everything.
The careerists in Washington DC, who mainly represent themselves these days, will be returning to work this morning. First on the agenda will be the proposed amnesty bill. They've had a week off to think over the whole situation, and they've come to a startling conclusion: The American public really isn't that pissed off. Some are, but not that many. From the WaPo: