Christmas lights, some music, a computer, and a house.
Outrageously cool.
H/T Ranting Right Wing Howler
"Politicians are the lowest form of life on earth. Liberal Democrats are the lowest form of politician." --General George S. Patton, Jr.
Christmas lights, some music, a computer, and a house.
Kitty's post about "Her Royal C," that quickly turned into a contest, has ended. Chris at Lucky Dawg News was the clear winner, according to "Her Royal K." What started out as a cute, little post, became a headliner of sorts, not to mention a lot of fun. So, congratulations to Chris.
Ace of Spades links to a story out of the Washington Post about a poll dealing with criticism of the war and troop morale. It's a wonder this even showed up in their paper. Read the story here.
Hugh Hewitt wants your input about presidential candidates, the Senate, and ANWR. Thousands have voted already and I encourage you to participate by voting and linking the poll on your blog.
Since those early years, I've read many books on the subject and have developed a general fascination with it. The last book I read was, Farewell America, by James Hepburn. (pen name) After all the reading I've yet to figure out who shot JFK, but I do know who didn't. And, do you ever wonder why the assassination records were sealed until something like 2038? Odd, I think, unless you're trying to hide something or you're waiting for a whole generation to die off, or both.
Many things that our nation experiences today, politically and culturally, can be traced back to that day in Dealey Plaza; the day our history took an abrupt turn.
Where were you on that day?
I posted about Rep. Murtha's patriotism, and one commenter (Olddad65/Greybeard) is attempting to school another (Paul). However, I don't think he'll win him over. I don't have to tell you which one I side with, either. After Greybeard's last comment, I think the back and forth will end. Or not. Read the comments in this post.
If you've always had a hankerin' to fly a B-52 bomber but didn't want to join the Air Force to do it, your problem is solved.
Dennis The Peasant has been ragging on Roger L. Simon for a long time, and I was curious as to what the details were behind his rantings. Finally, Dennis posted the history of their relationship.
All election results are found at this site, and will be updated every 5 or 10 minutes.
And while we wait for the results to come in, here's a couple things to look over:
And finally...
***A fence doesn't always make for good neighbors. Ace has the post.
The Founder-in-Chief of The Right Place, Mr. Right, has added a couple new bloggers to his site. Anna (A ROSE BY ANY OTHER NAME), and T. M. Ergin (JOUST THE FACTS)-- So far, I likey.
SPC Timothy Watkins was laid to rest on Tuesday in Yucca Valley. Fred Phelps had announced that his band of creeps would be traveling to YV to demonstrate, but never arrived. Some Soldier's Mom received an email from someone who attends the Calvary Baptist Church in YV and advised her that Phelps was a no-show. The emailer also described the services for Tim. Read it all here.
"The Right Place" held a Halloween party for bloggers to attend while in costume. The bloggers had many funny posts and at the end, unmasked themselves, revealing their true identities to everyone. By my reading, it was a huge success. "The Right Place" is not only a great blog, but an important one, as well. Go over and take a read.
Click here to enter your caption. Anyone can win--trust me, I know.
I'll bet Mr. Right wishes he ran across this one first; it's a doozy. But then again, there's this little gem.
And last but not least, a little somethin' for the crew at The Right Place.