"Politicians are the lowest form of life on earth. Liberal Democrats are the lowest form of politician." --General George S. Patton, Jr.
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Yes, it was a strike, thrown with authority and confidence. It's just one of those moments that makes you feel good... to be an American. Obama and Charlie Crist would do well to stay as far away from a pitcher's mound as possible.
DAY 13 began normal enough, but when Sarah Palin arrives to a rally unannounced, it becomes something other than normal--it's an event. And that's what happened in Wheeling, WV--Palin took the stage, surprising all in attendance. An event? You betcha! Terresa Monroe-Hamilton at NoisyRoom had the story posted for her readers nearly an hour before Palin arrived. Below is video of Palin's surprise appearance in Wheeling. Below that, Palin with our Gold Star Mom Debbie Lee.
TPX tour embed Andrea Shea King displays the 2nd American Revolution flag at Wheeling, WV. Both are lookin' pretty good. You'll find more about yesterday's rallies at Andrea's site The Radio Patriot.
Two TPX rally days remain and our friends are still at our side posting about upcoming TPX tour stops. Without this kind of support and dedication, TPX IV couldn't be the success it is--trust me on this.
*UPDATES will fall in below as Andrea reports in from the road. The long, long day is about to begin... UPDATE: Last night CNN did an hour-long segment on the Tea Party movement, focusing on the Tea Party Express. Here's a sneak peek.
DAY 12 of TPX IV was all Michigan--Jackson, Waterford and Monroe. Pictured below is one of the Michigan rally scenes. The patriots in Michigan mean business, and if you don't believe me, ask Bart Stupak from the TPX III days! Andrea Shea King has more from yesterday's rallies at The Radio Patriot.
DAY 13 has the crew on a two-state swing, with rallies in Columbus, Oh--10 AM; and Wheeling, WV--3:30 PM. Tea Party HD and Liberty.com are just one click away from bringing you to the rally via your computer. Give it a try--no sign-up--just click!
With just a few days remaining for TPX IV, I'd again like to mention those folks who are making sure the word gets spread far and wide: Terresa Monroe-Hamilton at NoisyRoom; John Ruberry at Marathon Pundit; Melanie Morgan at Melanie Morgan.com; Barbara at American Freedom; and one Grant at Tea Party Movement. The TPX IV efforts were much more effective with the help of these bloggers--more money was raised, more people watched and attended the rallies, and more people became aware of the vast Tea Party movement sweeping our nation. And one more blogger I need to mention: Douglas V. Gibbs at Political Pistachio. Thanks, Doug!
CONTRIBUTE to the TEA PARTY EXPRESS--the tour ends on Monday and the election ends on Tuesday, but that just means we're having a change in personnel in Washington DC. The work of TPX doesn't end Tuesday. In fact, the real work will just begin. Our national problems aren't going to be solved with this one election. We have to keep a close eye on those new members headed for DC, plus we have to round-up another new batch of patriots for the next cycle. We're in a deep hole and it will take some time, money and lots of other support from YOU to get this nation back on track. So far, so good.
*UPDATES from tour embed Andrea Shea King will fall in below as our gal on the road calls them in. Check back often. Below, Kevin Jackson with Andrea Shea King in St. Louis.(Photo by Jim Hoft at Gateway Pundit.)
**Update: Breaking news about Palin over at NoisyRoom.
DAY 11 took the TPX crew through the once great state of Illinois, with rallies in Springfield and Frankfort. With only a few days remaining until election day, TPX IV will be busy to the end.Tour embed Andrea Shea King has coverage from Springfield.
DAY 12 takes the caravan into Michigan for three rallies: Jackson--10 AM;Waterford--4 PM;Monroe--8 PM. For this crew, the weather is turning cold and the schedule growing longer, but this is nothing new to them. Once, on TPX III, they held 6 stops in one day... and I think it was in Michigan too! A REMINDER:Tea Party HD and Liberty.com are still bringing you the best TPX IV coverage in the nation, so tune in if you can't attend a rally in person. And be sure to tell a friend, family member, co-worker--even people you don't like. Tell 'em all. SUPPORT TEA PARTY EXPRESS with a generous donation. As you browse the internet, do stop by and see a few of the dedicated bloggers who help us promote TPX IV: Terresa Monroe-Hamilton at NoisyRoom; Melanie Morgan at Melanie Morgan.com; Barbara at American Freedom; and John Ruberry at Marathon Pundit. Later today, THE ANDREA SHEA KING SHOW will broadcast "live" from the road--somewhere in Michigan--at 9 PM ET. No reason not to be there. As Andrea reports in from the road, I will post the updates down below. Check back.
UPDATE: Andrea sends this Politico piece about Amy Kremer. Also, the WSJ is covering Amy as well.
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DAY TEN for TPX began in Paducah, KY, where Rand Paul stopped by to talk with the gathered crowd. Paul is one of the most popular candidates out there today--the media mobbed him. Later, TPX slid into the St. Louis area near the Gateway Arch. Speaking of the arch, Andrea Shea King was able to meet Jim Hoft of Gateway Pundit. Pics too. Over at The Radio Patriot, Andrea has coverage here and here.
DAY 11 takes TPX IV into the belly of corruption--the state of Illinois. First stop, Springfield at 9 AM; then upstate to Frankfort for a 4 PM rally. Check the tour schedule for upcoming rallies in Michigan. (For TPX V, I'm suggesting we have a Hyde Park Rally on the schedule.)
BEHIND THE SCENES--A discussion took place in one of the lounge areas of a TPX bus. A passionate discussion about black conservatives and the black vote. Lloyd Marcus wrote it down and published it at American Thinker.
During TPX III, Andrea slept through St. Louis and missed the Gateway Arch. Not this trip, though. Below, Andrea and the famous 'Gateway to the West.' (NOTE: I have NEVER slept through St. Louis.)
TEA PARTY HD and LIBERTY.COM always bring you each rally "live" via your computer, with great shots of the stage show as well as interviews throughout the audience. Make it a point to tune in. Below, Tea Party HD hits the Nashville scene:
We're moving closer to the tour's end which means the election is just around the corner. According to officials at TPX, support for the latest fund drive is building fast. Let's keep it that way--
Tonight, from the Land of Lincoln, THE ANDREA SHEA KING SHOW will be on the air at 9 PM ET. If I have to be there, I think you should be as well. Besides, I might say something worthwhile.
Let's go shopping at the Tea Party Store--always open--24/7.
UPDATE:11:15 AM PT--Andrea will soon have some interesting pics and info about her and others being interviewed today. Check back at Andrea's site.
UPDATE II: In the meantime, while I wait for incoming news from the TPX tour, I sometimes relax at the clubhouse. In this pic I'm displaying the 2nd Revolution Flag, and browsing through Burt Boyar's coffee table book of Sammy Davis, Jr's photography--"Photo by Sammy Davis, Jr."Great gift idea for the holidays.
UPDATE III: 12:45 PM ET--Gold Star Mom Debbie Lee being interviewed:
UPDATE IV: 12:50--Tea Party Express on stage in Springfield, Illinois:
TPX tour embed Andrea Shea King has coverage of Lloyd Marcus--voice of the Tea Party Movement--and the recent release of his newest project. Marcus, well known here in the States as a singer-song writer and author, has gone international. Andrea has the report.
DAY NINE of TPX IV brought the tour to Nashville, TN. It rained but it didn't dampen any spirits. Umbrellas and 'taking back America' were the orders of the day. Andrea has commentary along with some photos of the events.
TEA PARTY HD AND LIBERTY.COM brings you"live" rally coverage to your computer--hundreds of thousands view each day, so if you can't attend in person, do it from your living room. TPX IV rallies are but a click away!
With a week remaining before we 'fundamentally re-transform America,' TPX officials are calling on membership to hit the CONTRIBUTE BUTTON. The final week's push to victory at the polls is not cheap--not even close to cheap--and now's not the time to hold back. Ad buys, travel and many other challenges must be faced head-on, and NOW. The progressives never take a day off or take time to sleep--we shouldn't either. We've come this far, let's finish the job at hand: Nov 2nd. Any contribution you can make--big, small or in between--will be most appreciated and used effectively against our opponents. After this tour, there will be more work for us to do... much more. In fact, the real heavy lifting begins on Nov 3rd and won't end until we unravel the progressive policies that have been forced upon the American people over the last 18 months. The responsibility now falls to our generation--the next Greatest Generation, but don't expect Tom Brokaw to write a book about us. Leave that to patriots like Lloyd Marcus and quite possibly Andrea Shea King.
Melanie Morgan.com, John Ruberry at Marathon Pundit, Barbara at American Freedom and Terresa Monroe-Hamiton at NoisyRoom are still in the trenches, helping spread the word about TPX IV. Many others are reporting as well, and together we will be victorious on the 2nd and beyond. Follow their lead, get involved in some way. There's but a week remaining.
THE ANDREA SHEA KING SHOW will again be broadcasting "live" from the road--talking tour news as well as news in general. 9 PM ET nightly.
UPDATE: Paducah, Ky rally--Andrea Shea King with Rand Paul; below that, Rand Paul being mobbed by the media for interviews--11:30 AM PT.
Above: Lloyd Marcus performs with Selena Owens supporting the act.
Watch two TPX buses compete on a Texas drag strip!
(click banner)
DAY EIGHT of the TPX IV tour was a major success--with the tour in the second half and building up to the election on Tuesday November 2nd, today will be just as important and successful. Yesterday the crew hit Dallas-Ft. Worth and Little Rock, with a quick Whistle stop at Mt. Pleasant, TX. Tour embed Andrea Shea King has pics of day eight's event at The Radio Patriot.
DAY NINE points the TPX caravan towards the historic city of Nashville, TN for a 4 PM rally. After today, TPX will gas up the coaches and head for KY and MO. Check the tour schedule for times and locations.
Viewership rising--Tea Party HD and Liberty.com have the "live" feed running smooth, with cameras trained on the stage show as well as roving reporters doing interviews throughout. It's a greatly improved TPX broadcast system.
THE VIEWERSHIP has been outstanding. For example, the Phoenix rally with Sarah Palin pulled 1.6 million viewers, and just yesterday's morning event posted 700,000 attendees via their computers. Outstanding, indeed. And tour officials couldn't be happier with your dedicated participation. Hit your email lists, pick up the phone and alert friends and family of the upcoming events. Encourage them to attend a rally in their area or at least attend via their computer. It's a great show! I mean, what's not to like about Lloyd Marcus,Diana Nagy and the Rivoli Revue.
The impressive viewership numbers can be directly attributed to the great folks helping spread the word each day: Barbara at American Freedom;Melanie Morgan; Terresa Monroe-Hamilton at Noisyroon and of course our man in Chicago, John Ruberry at Marathon Pundit to name a few. We can't thank them enough--America's future is at stake and these bloggers are on the front lines helping out each day.
The Tea Party Express IV Commemorative Journal, published by Wm and Selena Owens, is something you'll want to have and save as it will be the historic journal of record at the end of the tour. Purchase your copies today. I have mine, read it, enjoyed it and then placed it in plastic for preservation.
TONIGHT: THE ANDREA SHEA KING SHOW will broadcast "live" from the TPX tour at 9 PM ET. Again, I have no clue why you'd miss this event. This is real "live" radio--remote--and we do our best each night to bring you a show that informs and entertains you. If things get slow, I'll have Andrea sing something for ya!
* UPDATES will be posted down below--I'm sure Andrea will have some news for us later today. Check back.
*UPDATE: Tea Party Express IV at the Texas Speedway? TPX bus drag race? Oh, it's all on video.
DAY SEVEN took TPX IV to Abilene and Waco, TX. A slide show is presented by tour embed Andrea Shea King at The Radio Patriot. **In Waco, Texas Gov Rick Perry (pictured below) stopped by to say a few words to the gathered patriots. And yes, I watched the whole thing on the TPX live stream. It was a good day.
DAY EIGHT sends the crew into Dallas-Ft Worth--10:oo AM; Little Rock, AR--6:00 PM. Also, a Whistlestop rally will be added. Details soon. Whistlestop is at 11 AM, Mt. Pleasant, TX--1800 North Jefferson Drive.
THE ANDREA SHEA KING SHOW broadcasts "live" from the TPX IV tour at 9 PM ET. I have no idea why you'd miss that.
*UPDATES during the day will be posted below:
*UPDATE: Looking downstream on the tour schedule, The Leaf-Chronicle (Clarkston, Tennessee) has a front page story about GOP candidates, the Tea Party and TPX. Story here.
**UPDATE II: Bob LaRosa from Alamagordo, New Mexico made the trip to Dallas just to meet some of the TPX crew. Bob is a long-time listener to Andrea's radio program. The two photos below are of Bob with Andrea Shea King and Lloyd Marcus.
DAY SIXhad the TPX crew holding rallies in NM and TX. Tour Embed Andrea Shea King posted a slide show from the Las Cruces, NM rally at The Radio Patriot.
Tune to Tea PartyHD and Liberty.com to attend the rallies via live streaming on your computer. During the rallies, they include many interviews from folks attending the rally as well as crew members.
**BTW, ANDREA SHEA KING will be taking the stage in Abilene--Tune in at the above link to watch. ***9:45 am pt--Schedule is tight so they had to cut a couple speakers. Andrea was one of them. Look for her in Waco.
PICTURED BELOW is the TPX IV Commemorative Journal III. You'll want one of these since the TPX is making history with these tours. Order your copy today!
Again, visit some of the blogs that are doing their part to spread the news of the TPX tour: Barbara at American Freedom; Terresa Monroe-Hamilton at NoisyRoom;Melanie Morgan.com; John Ruberry at Marathon Pundit. And if I've missed someone, please email me and I'll include you on this list too. Your assistance makes this tour all the more effective. The TPX crew thanks you. America thanks you too. UPDATES for today's tour events will fall in below as Andrea reports news from the road.
UPDATE: Patriots of all ages showed up at the Odessa rally. Photos by Andrea Shea King.
UPDATE II: Andrea just reported in that Texas Gov Perry will be attending the Waco rally.
From NoisyRoom: "We Won't Stand For Tyranny." More at the link:
And people wonder why the Tea Party just keeps getting bigger and more influencial. Someone should've told the moderator about the "rule of holes." Hat tip: Bob the Patriot via email. (Gateway Pundit has a newspaper account of this event, and the Tea Party is mentioned, of course.)
DAY FIVE of the TPX IV tour ended on a high note with an exceptional rally in Phoenix, AZ. where Sarah Palin was a surprise speaker. Palin dropped by to say a few words to the gathered patriots, and afterwards she worked the rope line like few others can do. She's the genuine article, I think. The crowds think so as well. Tour embed Andrea Shea King has coverage, including a slide show of the tour event.
Below you'll see a video tribute to Navy Seal Marc Alan Lee. Marc was the first Navy Seal to be killed in Iraq, and his Gold Star mom Debbie Lee pays tribute to him at each of the rally stops. It's a heart-wrenching story of how her son found himself in a fire fight with the enemy, and with one of his team members down and seriously wounded, Marc did what Seals are trained to do: put themselves in harm's way to get help to their downed team member... at all costs.
On that day, the cost was as high as it gets. Marc stood in the line of fire--not once, but twice--so his team members could get to the wounded Seal. During this operation, Marc was mortally wounded. Although Marc Alan Lee is gone from this life, Debbie Lee keeps his memory alive so everyone can understand what these brave, skilled, and unrelenting warriors are willing to do so that we can enjoy our freedoms back at home. His story is compelling, only to be topped by his final letter home. One day I hope Gold Star Mom Debbie Lee will find time to put this story into book form, and then possibly a talented script writer will bring it to the silver screen. One day.
Read about Marc Alan Lee--then tearfully wander through his final letter home. Marc Alan Lee sits comfortably at the Lord's table--he's in very good hands. And remember this: Terrorists DID NOT take Marc's life; he gave it willingly... for us and his Seal team members. Rest peacefully, our hero.
Many days remain for the TPX tour, many rallies yet to go. Please take the time to check the TPX tour schedule for a rally in your area. If you can't make a rally, be sure to watch at Liberty.com. And please CONTRIBUTE as much as you can to this effort. Encourage others as well. Taking back America is very expensive and whatever you can contribute will be used in the most effective way possible. We're in this together; all of us must do our part--big or small, do something.
Again, visit some of the blogs that are doing their part to spread the news of the TPX tour: Barbara at American Freedom; Terresa Monroe-Hamilton at NoisyRoom;Melanie Morgan.com; John Ruberry at Marathon Pundit. And if I've missed someone, please email me and I'll include you on this list too. Your assistance makes this tour all the more effective. The TPX crew thanks you. America thanks you too.
LIBERTY.COM has some great vids from some tour stops, plus interviews. Great work.
UPDATES will fall in below as events happen. Andrea Shea King will be reporting from the road.
UPDATE: Andrea Shea King sends these photos from the Las Cruces, NM rally:
UPDATE II: I see that AZCentral.com made mention of Sarah Palin's surprise visit to TPX IV in Phoenix, AZ. In the piece, Ron Rivoli is quoted. Of course, Ron Rivoli is part of The Rivoli Revue--Ron and Kay Rivoli!!
Support THE TEA PARTY EXPRESS (click banner)
DAY FOUR was a very successful tour day for TPX IV with rallies in San Diego and Yuma, Az. Featured speaker Newt Gingrich spoke at the rally in San Diego. Author and conservative speaker Kevin Jackson also took the stage. Tour embed Andrea Shea King posted a slide show from the beautiful venue at San Diego--The Radio Patriot.
DAY FIVE has TPX IV arriving in Phoenix, AZ. for a 12 noon rally at the capitol. Sheriff Joe will be the featured speaker but, according to tour officials, he will be joined by a very special guest. I suggest you gather up the kids, friends and neighbors and head on over to the rally.
Pictured below: Lloyd Marcus--American!--being interviewed at a tour stop. Marcus is always in high demand for interviews during these tours and he accommodates as many as he can.
LIVE STREAMING of tour rallies can be seen at Liberty.com--with a special guest joining Sheriff Joe in Phoenix, today is one of those days you'll want to be tuned in. That is, if you can't attend in person. TPX IV is eastbound, so check the tour schedule for upcoming rallies.
Be sure to visit some of the bloggers who are helping spread the word about TPX IV--Terresa Monroe-Hamilton at NoisyRoom; John Ruberry at Chicago's Marathon Pundit;Melanie Morgan and Barbara at American Freedom. Can't thank these patriots enough.
UPDATES will fall in below as Andrea reports in with news from the road.
UPDATE: Tea Party Express IV made the papers in Yuma this morning. Story here. Also, Tea Party T-shirts ok at some polling sites.
**UPDATE II: 11:15 am-***BREAKING NEWS*** at NoisyRoom--TPX IV Phoenix rally special guest! *12 noon Phoenix--Palin was the special guest. NoisyRoom has the video news report.
***UPDATE III: 12:20 PM Phoenix rally--Sarah Palin was preparing to leave, walking to the TPX bus when protesters begin yelling for her to "go home" and that she "stinks." Baby Trig was in her arms, scared and crying. Security was around Palin and got her onto the bus ok. Lovely people, the Left. (Photos and report by Andrea Shea King--www.radiopatriot.wordpress.com)
Day Three of the TPX IV tour had the crew attending rallies in Barstow and the Rose Bowl in Pasadena, Ca. Tour Embed Andrea Shea King has a slide show posted of the Barstow rally--later today she'll have pics from the Rose Bowl as well. Check back. **Rose Bowl slide show here.
Last night, The Andrea Shea King Show interviewed Anchorage radio talk show host Eddie Burke. Burke is a close family friend of the Palins and was able to tell our audience about his long experience as a Palin family friend--many things you don't often hear in the media. It was a great interview. Andrea did the interview from just outside the Rose Bowl in the Entertainers' Bus, and since Pat Boone was a guest speaker at the rally, we were hoping to get a short interview with him too. But the timing wasn't right. However, as Andrea was wrapping up the Burke interview, Andrew Breitbart stepped onboard the bus, sat down and did a quick, unscheduled interview to end the show. Breitbart focused on the theme from his now famous "Harry Pelosi" speech--again, GREAT interview. Then Breitbart exited the bus, went on stage and wowed the crowd with the full version of that speech. He brought the house down. Listen to the interview in Andrea's archives here.
Below, Andrea is pictured with Pat Boone, one of the featured speakers at the Rose Bowl rally. Hey, Melanie Morgan was a featured speaker as well. Melanie just seems to be everywhere! What a patriot we have in Melanie.
Day Four has the TPX caravan stopping in San Diego--12 noon, and then it's on to Yuma, Az--6 PM. Featured speakers are Melanie Morgan, Newt Gingrich, Mike Gallagher, Kevin Jackson, Sheriff Joe and many more. Tour schedule is here.
We can use all the help we can get in getting the word out to support the TPX IV. Please take a moment to link us, post about us, tell a friend--whatever you can do will be appreciated. It's our nation that's at stake here.
Again, I'd like to mention those bloggers who are there for us each day, spreading the word at their sites: Terresa Monroe-Hamilton of NoisyRoom, John Ruberry of Marathon Pundit,Mel Morgan. Patriots, one and all!
Remember, TPX rallies can be viewed "live" via your computer at Liberty.com.
UPDATES: As events unfold throughout the day, Andrea will report from the road and I'll post them below. Check back.
Update: Below, Andrea Shea King with Selena Owens just arriving at the TPX venue in San Diego, Ca. In the background, the USS Midway aircraft carrier. Also, the San Diego Union-Tribune made mention of the upcoming tour stop in this morning's paper.