'57 to 58--Times Square ball drop from atop The Times Building.
Labels: 1957, 1958, 1965, 1966, Johnny Carson, New Years, Times Square
"Politicians are the lowest form of life on earth. Liberal Democrats are the lowest form of politician." --General George S. Patton, Jr.
'57 to 58--Times Square ball drop from atop The Times Building.
Labels: 1957, 1958, 1965, 1966, Johnny Carson, New Years, Times Square
Cmdr Kerchner interview archived here. *An error was pointed out to me and it's noted below.
Cmdr Charles Kerchner was in the courtroom the day LTC Lakin was sentenced. After the verdict, Lakin invited Kerchner to the Lakin family home for dinner. That evening was Lakin's last day of freedom before entering Leavenworth to begin serving out his sentence. *(Correction: Cmdr Kerchner was invited for dinner the day before the court martial started. After the verdict, Lakin was immediately taken away for processing to Leavenworth.)
Cmdr Kerchner also fought long and hard with his own lawsuit in an attempt to get Obama, or a court, to settle the eligibility issue once and for all. He spent a fortune doing so, only to be rebuffed by SCOTUS without comment. Cmdr Kerchner has since directed his attention and support to LTC Lakin.
What Cmdr Kerchner witnessed during Lakin's days in court was nothing short of a judicial lynching. It's difficult to believe what took place in that courtroom... and you can read about it at The Radio Patriot but I encourage you to tune to Andrea's show this evening at 9 PM ET and hear it in Cmdr Kerchner's own words.
You will be stunned. You will be discouraged. You will be ashamed. And after that, you will feel fear setting in.
Labels: Cmdr Charles Kerchner, Eligibility Issue, Fort Leavenworth Kansas, LTC Terry Lakin, NBC, Obama, The Andrea Shea King Show, The Radio Patriot
Labels: 111th Congress, 112th Congress, Earmarking, Elizabeth Letchworth, The Andrea Shea King Show, Lettermarking
Two more organizations have joined a substantial list of conservative groups who are boycotting next year's CPAC. The reason is twofold: a homosexual activist group has been invited, GOProud, and an ongoing embezzlement scandal within CPAC's upper management. WorldNetDaily has the story.
**NoisyRoom's FINANCIAL NEWS UPDATE is up and running. The first story link is about the high level of productivity your 111th Congress demonstrated. They were busy little legislators, that's for sure.
Labels: Andrea Shea King, CPAC 2011, FCC, Financial News Update, GOProud, Net Neutrality,, Surfin' Safari
These folks are just plain, crazy funny. SNL would land huge ratings with this little skit. Of course, some with advanced degrees in social dynamics might disagree. You know, scholarly icons such as Sharpton, Jackson, Farrakhan, and of course, Eric Holder. But it's still crazy funny. Merry Christmas!
Labels: Christmas, Eric Holder, Farrakhan, Jackson, Jim Hoft, Racism, Sharpton, SNL
Labels: 111th Congress, California, Chicago, Elizabeth Letchworth, Eric Massa, GradeGov The Andrea Shea King Show, Kitty Myers, Marathon Pundit, New Zeal, Rep McClintock, Rep Schakowski, Trevor Loudon
General Patton was being treated for a severe neck injury at the 130th Station Hospital in Heidelberg, Germany, when he died on December 21, 1945. He was buried three days later, December 24, 1945, in the American Cemetery at Hamm, Luxembourg.
1975: my army unit, the 7th MP Company, Ft. Ord, was given the task of guarding his son's jeep during war games at Fort Irwin, Ca--Major General George S. Patton IV, 2nd Armored Division. The first time I got a look at his jeep, one thing stood out: it had seat belts. Years later I would understand why he had them installed.
Patton's most famous speech, the one given the day before D-Day, "Somewhere in England," was recorded by a soldier who wrote it down as the General spoke--no audio ever existed. The speech George C. Scott gave at the the beginning of the movie "Patton" wasn't even close to the actual speech--it had to be sanitized and shortened. Patton used profanity on a liberal basis. The soldier included notes of the events that day, beginning with Patton arriving in his car. A must read. (scroll down to part II)
Audio speech by Patton in L.A. during a bond drive--1945.
Audio speech by George C. Scott in "Patton."
Pictorial history of Patton's life.
Politically incorrect--Patton never got credit for his planning.
*Third Army miracle that happened 61 years later.
Posters, comics, newspaper headlines about Patton.
The Press and the "slapping incidents."
*The Battle of the Bulge. Patton at his best.
*750,000 greet Patton upon arrival in Boston--1945 Time article.
Los Angeles bond drive photo--1945
*Andrea Shea-King's observations of Patton at Voice of Liberty. (scroll to 5:30)
*Pictures taken at the General's funeral, Hamm, Luxembourg--December 24, 1945.
**After filming the original Patton movie in 1970, another Patton movie was produced in 1986. "The Last Days of Patton". This made-for-tv movie also starred George C. Scott in the role of Patton. The movie begins with Patton's automobile accident and hospital stay. The director then uses flashbacks (from Patton's perspective) to cover Patton's entire life. This movie is every bit as good as the original.
Labels: General George Smith Patton, George C. Scott, Jr., Patton 1970, The Last Days of Patton 1986, WWII
Tonight's Andrea Shea King Show will feature Frank Gaffney together with Trevor Loudon. The discussion will begin with the START Treaty but could cover other topics as well. Gaffney and Loudon both have a lot to say, so stay tuned--this show will offer the listener a lot to think about.
Labels: Frank Gaffney, START Treaty, The Andrea Shea King Show, Trevor Loudon
Labels: California, Dr Kate, Economics, Elizabeth Letchworth, The Andrea Shea King Show, Terry Lakin
Labels: New Zeal,, Terresa Monroe Hamiliton, The Andrea Shea King Show, Trevor Loudon, U.S. Government
Read about the tragic incident in the history section of Andrea Shea King's Surfin' Safari column at World Net Daily.
Labels: Andrea Shea King, General George S. Patton Jr., Surfin' Safari, WorldNetDaily, WWII
More info from WikiLeaks indicates that the Lockerbie bomber was set free over an oil deal. Blackmail, that is. I think we always knew this was the case, but to see it presented via official docs makes one sick. Let's hope this isn't the case.
I find it rather ironic that the MSM is reporting on info leaked from WikiLeaks, when this is exactly what the MSM should be digging up and reporting in the first place. Is it no wonder that many of the major news agencies are finding themselves on the brink of bankruptcy? I think not. Breitbart, and many others like him, are now in the process of taking over the job of reporting the news--the good, the bad and the ugly.
Whenever the Lockerbie story pops up in this context, I like to remind readers of the events that evening. The human loss, young and old. For many, the pain and suffering never goes away.
Cradled in their mother's arms, the two youngest victims of the Lockerbie bombing were probably sleeping peacefully as the catastrophic break-up of Pan Am Flight 103 began in the skies above Lockerbie.
As the excited chatter of passengers travelling home for Christmas died away, tiny Jonathan Thomas and Brittany Williams, both just two months old, would have been unaware of the tragedy befalling them.
The youngsters were among 14 babies and children travelling with their parents on the doomed New York-bound plane just before Christmas in 1988.
Whole families, who had barely settled into their seats for the long journey across the Atlantic, were wiped out as a bomb ripped the Boeing 747 apart.
The bodies of some victims were never found. On the other side of the Atlantic, parents, friends, and partners were preparing to leave for JFK airport in New York to pick up loved ones who would never arrive.
Among those never to return from an overseas study course in London were 35 students from Syracuse University in New York, including twin brothers Eric and Jason Coker, 20.
There were a total of 259 men, women and children on board Pan Am Flight 103, that fateful night including the crew of 16 headed by American pilot Captain James Bruce MacQuarrie, 55.
The passenger list included people from 21 nations - although the majority were Americans - and from all walks of life.
The youngest were the two two-month-old babies, while the eldest was 79-year-old retired doctor Ibolya Drucker, from Hungary.
There were hairdressers, lawyers, teachers, engineers and a financial consultant, while many passengers were serving in the United States Armed Forces.
Also among the travellers were two female playwrights, a professional golfer, four CIA officers, a diplomat, a Nazi-hunter named Michael Bernstein, and Bernt Wilmar Carlsson, who worked at the United Nations.
Over the years some of the names of the passengers have become better known than others because of the high profile campaigning of parents or family desperate to discover the cause of the disaster.
They include that of Flora Swire, the daughter of UK Families spokesman and the most high-profile of campaigners, Dr Jim Swire.
She died the day before her 24th birthday as she travelled to America to spend Christmas with her boyfriend.
Pan Am Flight 103 exploded just after 7pm as, on the ground 31,000ft below, the quiet market town of Lockerbie was preparing for Christmas.
Many families had just finished their evening meal and were relaxing in front of the television, watching This Is Your Life, featuring Harry Corbett, of "Sooty" fame.
A total of 11 residents - seven females and four males ranging in age from 10 to 82 -died as wreckage from the devastated aircraft showered down on Lockerbie.
The plane's fuel-laden wing section came down on the Sherwood area of the town, exploding in a fireball made worse by ruptured gas mains and leaving a massive crater in the ground.
This was the area where the 11 townsfolk, all from Sherwood Crescent, were killed. No trace was ever found of some of the victims.
The Flannigans
Residents who died in their homes included Thomas and Kathleen Flannigan and their 10-year-old daughter Joanne.
One of their sons, Steven, who later became dubbed the orphan of Lockerbie, escaped by a twist of fate.
Then 14, he had left the house and taken his little sister's bicycle to a neighbour to ask him to help repair it just 10 minutes before the jet crashed on the town.
Another son, David, also escaped, because he was living away from home at the time of the disaster.
He returned in the aftermath to sift through the debris of his home, to find only a plastic watering can among the devastation.
Both Flannigan boys were to die tragically in the years which followed the bombing - David while travelling in Thailand in 1993, and Steven in August last year, after he was hit by a train.
The full scale of the human cost of the tragedy really hit home just after the start of the Lockerbie trial when the names of all 270 victims were read out to a hushed courtroom.
It took prosecutor Alasdair Campbell QC around an hour to recite the tragic roll-call as relatives of those who died listened in the public gallery.
For many, it was one of the most emotional parts of the trial as they waited in silence to hear the all-important name of their loved ones. Many tears were shed.
Relatives described the experience of hearing the names as "gut-wrenching" but insisted it was important that every single one was read out.
It was a poignant moment in which the dead, instead of always being lumped together as the "270 Lockerbie victims", were remembered properly as individual men, women and children.
Labels: Breitbart News, Lockerbie Bombing, MSM, New Media, Pan Am 103, Radical Muslims, Terrorism
Good morning everyone. Take a moment and look away from the WikiLeaks case. Just for a moment. Now take a peek at the world markets for this Monday morning. Notice anything? A trend or two?
Labels: Economics, Gold Prices,, Oil Prices, Silver
Glenn Beck's "BROKE": Early in the day I called the theater and they told me the showing of "Broke" was 50% sold out. So I bought the tics online and arrived a bit over an hour early, guaranteeing great seats in the stadium theater configuration. Some had arrived even earlier. Before show time the theater was full, rows and rows of patriots. The atmosphere was unlike that of a movie going experience. People were talking to each other--that is, people who didn't know each other but knew they had something in common with everyone seated around them.
Labels: " The Radio Patriot, "Broke, Glenn Beck, The Andrea Shea King Show
Labels: " America, "Broke, Economics, Glenn Beck, The Andrea Shea King Show
Letchworth just penned a piece for The Daily Caller where she explains why we're in this mess regarding this unusual lame-duck session. In it, Letchworth makes the case for placing the blame as far back as Ronald Reagan. In other words, a very good history lesson in how congressional trends and bad habits get started and develop over the years. From The Daily Caller:
"In this era of playing the blame game, can the blame for the current lame-duck session be pinned on President Reagan? I think it can.
"Ronald Reagan won his first presidential term in a landslide election back in 1980. That election “shellacking” produced the second largest GOP freshman Senate class in modern history, with 12 new Republican senators. The largest class of GOP senators in modern history is the incoming class, which has 13 new Republican senators. The 1980 class brought to the Senate members who had little or no experience in public service." Continue reading.
Letchworth is one of our most informative interviews. She's with us each Wednesday and always has more information than time will allow. Don't miss her interview this evening.
Labels: 111th Congress, 112th Congress, Elizabeth Letchworth, The Andrea Shea King Show, Washington Politics