....and the Right Wing Nut House done went and did just that. When you're finished reading the post, go ahead and feel good about being a conservative. No, really, go ahead.
"Politicians are the lowest form of life on earth. Liberal Democrats are the lowest form of politician." --General George S. Patton, Jr.
....and the Right Wing Nut House done went and did just that. When you're finished reading the post, go ahead and feel good about being a conservative. No, really, go ahead.
I know there must be many right-minded bloggers in the D.C. area, and I hope many of them attend this event to do some live blogging. You know the MSM is incapable of reporting a story like this without leaning it to one side, so we'll rely on the new media--bloggers.
Other things to keep your eye on: Who the speakers are. Which politicians attend (and speak.) Hollywood attendees, and will there be a RED carpet for them. Headlining entertainment. You could have some fun guessing who'll be playing for this crowd. My guess: Peter, Paul, and Mary. No doubt there will be several groups playing this gig, though, and I'm sure the same ass wipes that paid the tab at Crawford will be picking up this one, too.
I'll bet that Pam over at Blogmeister USA can't wait for the curtain to go up on this show. I know I can't.
Care packages are arriving by the thousands in Iraq, but never one like this.
Lorie has contacted Edward Roberts and advised him to donate any money raised to charity. She related in an email that her kids already have a playhouse and that she feels that donating to a children's charity would be the best thing.
Michael Graham, WMAL's mid-day host, was given the boot for making comments on his show about radical Islam. CAIR pressured the Disney-owned station and they caved-in and fired Graham. This Washington Times Op-Ed piece on the 18th describes the situation and includes some of Graham's remarks. The piece was written just prior to his firing.
Move America Forward, a Sacramento-based organization supporting our troops and our President, is planning to leave the studios of KFBK enroute to Crawford, Texas. Caravans are leaving from all over the US headed to Crawford, but here at KFBK they've been met by about 150 Pro-Cindy supporters. What a mess! Lots of shouting and waving of signs. When they all end up in Crawford together, look out. Fur will fly. Developing as I type. More later.
"President Bush has a major opportunity today. He's leaving Crawford to speak to the Veterans of Foreign Wars' convention in Utah. When he does, he needs to leave behind the pep talks, the open-ended "things are looking better" claims and the empty rhetoric.
It's time for the President to stand and deliver.
That's why I am asking you to support an "America Demands Answers" petition to President Bush. Starting with today's VFW speech, we're going to keep the pressure on George W. Bush until he finally addresses questions that have gone unanswered for far too long."
Mr. Kerry is right about unanswered questions. Kerry could take this opportunity to lead by example and begin to clear up a few questions we have regarding his military records. You remember the partial release, don't ya?
Why the blogosphere let this nabob off the hook on this one is a mystery to me. Not a question was asked of Kerry by anyone in the media about specifics. Nothing. The blogosphere has been silent as well. Since I have about 5 people who read here, I can hardly start the effort but it would be easy for one of the big blogs to get the ball rolling again. One lousy post.
If Kerry was pressed to explain only one item in his file, that being the discharge date of 1978, the whole thing would bust wide open again. Kerry wouldn't be the only casualty in the matter, either; the media would go down with him too.
If you want to see where the Shuttle is now, click here. The site also shows where the Space Station and other objects are located, and this site is real time.
For the timeline of deorbit manuvers, click here.
Set your alarms for an early wake-up call. You won't want to miss this one.
George Galloway has Mr. Right a little pissed off. He's correct when he says they should lynch him, but I think they should cut his liver out first, then give Hanabel a call.
***Hiroshima bomb stats here.
***Truman's announcement to the world here. (audio)
***Information about the Manhattan Project here.
***Photos of the aftermath here.
FDR's death put Truman in the position of having to make a decision that no man before him ever faced; he had the courage to make it and the courage to stand by it. One can only hope that today's leaders are able to find the same courage if faced with similar circumstances.
Tibbets was only 30 years old when he changed the world. What were you doing at 30?
"Baltimore Orioles first basemen Rafael Palmeiro has been suspended for 10 games by Major League Baseball after testing positive for steroids. He’s also a spokesperson for Viagra. So he’s on steroids and Viagra. You know what that means? He doesn’t need a bat anymore."
UPDATE: The second MLB suspension announced today. Probably another misunderstanding.
***Just where do you think terrorists in America would meet to make plans? A mosque maybe? Ya think? Here's the listing of Mosques in North America. Check for one near you. Here's a great Ford commercial about a soldier coming home. Hat tip to Gateway Pundit.