Not only will you enjoy this post about Al Gore, but I think you'll enjoy the site as well. She's good.
Check it out.
"Politicians are the lowest form of life on earth. Liberal Democrats are the lowest form of politician." --General George S. Patton, Jr.
Not only will you enjoy this post about Al Gore, but I think you'll enjoy the site as well. She's good.
Kerry and his problems signing SF 180 can't be mentioned enough. Since the MSM, Tim Russert, in particular, won't hold Kerry to his promise to sign the form and release his military records, it did me good to see Power Line's post this morning.
We're headed into a great weekend of baseball, starting with a match-up in Houston. I mention the Houston/Chicago game because it will be a long time before you see a match-up like this again.
I will admit my knowledge of commodities comes solely from the movie "Trading Places." Oil pricing is a mystery to me and to many in the biz. Who knows what really pushes the price up and down? I haven't a clue.
Ted Kennedy, in my opinion, is a dangerous man. In my day to day discussions with people, I have noticed that many don't really know much about his past, or any of the details of the incident at Chappaquiddick. To know and understand Chappaquiddick is to know Ted Kennedy.
Trump is the man. However, he was wrong tonight when he fired Alex. Everyone makes mistakes and that includes Trump.
I know I've mentioned Neo-Neocon before, but I just finished reading her last installment of the Vietnam series. It's called, "A Mind is a difficult Thing to Change." This is so good that her next project in this series should be writing a book proposal to a publisher. That good. She clearly has a talent for the written word, coupled with her passion for the subject matter, a book is the next logical step. Go forth, Neo. Her site is in my blogroll and once there, the series is in the right margin.
Watch for this story to bust wide open in the near future. A classic government mis-management of taxpayer money, where everyone gets screwed, especially the taxpayer, since they'll have to pay for it in the end. The buzz around the net: This is the tip of the iceberg----coming to your city soon.
Just when you thought it was impossible for Teddy Kennedy to get any lower, he comes through with yet another embarrassment for him, his family, and, sadly, our Nation.
Lt. Pantano, I think, is getting screwed. I sent him some $'s a couple months ago, along with many others from across the country. His family can use the money to help pay for the attorney fees he's piling up. This is a life and death situation and he needs our help.
I don't hide my dislike for France. The people are probably ok, as people go, but the government can take a flyin' leap. Anytime our great Nation can get the best of the French, I'm a happy little camper.
Dennis The Peasant has a great story about Bill Clinton, and yes, I'm posting a positive Clinton story. You won't see many of these, but what Clinton did with this group of kids is worthy of some praise. I hope all politicians, famous or not, are willing and able to give so generously of themselves.
Early this morning, around 4 am, I heard a news blurb about John Kerry getting upset with someone at a function, where Hillary was introduced in a manner that suggested an endorsement for 2008. It got me to thinking about a post I made about him a couple months back.
Dennis the Peasant turned me on to a new site: Neo-Neocon. It's a good read and it's authored by a lady from back east who finds herself moving from left to right.
And he should've been. Bren and Craig's product to lessen office clutter was embarrassing, and since Bren was the PM, he should've been canned. By not properly doing a focus group question and answer session, they failed to get the proper info regarding office clutter and its organization. Actually, their product would've caused more problems with clutter than it solved.
This fund-raising scheme from Hollywood that threatens to entangle the Honorable Senator from the Great State of New York, Hillary Clinton, has all the signs of a scandal.
You may remember this story from the movies about a WWll navy sailor performing an operation aboard a submarine. Here's the obit of the sailor that was "ordered" to perform the lifesaving procedure. Back then, while away from your base, there were few services in the event of a medical emergency, so sailors had to do whatever it took to get the job done.
Read this article about Jane Fonda at her latest book signing. Even though I'm not a Fonda fan, the guy who spit on her is an idiot.
Bad news out of Detroit. GM posts a 1st quarter loss of over one billion dollars. Wow! There is, however, good news in this report. If you're looking to score some new wheels before summer hits, now's the time to meander down to your local GM dealer and talk turkey. I bet they'd be willing to knock a few bucks off that sticker price to seal the deal.
This is a wonderful article about welcoming home our troops. I've heard of this happening in Texas, too, and I hope the MSM, especially tv, has enough sense to run with this story.
Here's an idea who's time has come. I wonder how long before the ACLU files suit against this policy? Check it out.
Since I'm on a lib kick, it warmed my heart to see the "Today" show in a bit of crisis. Imus couldn't talk about it enough this morning, and such talk will fuel the press. Though the press is liberal, they love to report on this type of "in-house" squabbling.
For libs all over the nation, reality has set in: Bush really did win. After being knocked to the canvas last November, libs have gotten back to their feet and now are doing whatever they can to stop anything Bush, or any republican, proposes, even if it's the best thing for the nation.
I was wrong about how Chris Matthews would treat Fonda the other night; he was harder on her than I ever would've thought. So far this interview was the toughest she'd faced since going public with the autobio. I was wrong.
The Apprentice is clearly the best reality show on tv. For weeks I've been waiting for Chris to get fired, and after 7 weeks of boardroom appearences, he finally got the ax.
Since Jane Fonda dumped her latest installment of treason on us, she's hit all the unquestioning media outlet shows. Don't expect anything to change when she appears before Chris Matthews this evening on Hardball. If you find him pressing her, it'll probably be on a topic related to her ex, Ted Turner, not on the VN issue.
Few of us get to go through life doing what truly makes us happy. There's always something in our way, be it lack of money, jealous co-workers, or the boss that isn't happy until you're unhappy. It's always something. Walter Joe O'Rourke's life story is rare, but, yet, gives us all hope that someday we can enjoy some of what he's found. Read it here.
I knew the situation in Iraq was going too good for too long. It seems AQ has grabbed another American hostage and is parading him in the media. This is a very powerful tactic used by AQ and I wonder why they got away from it for so long. I mean, this brutality really gets us hot here in the states, and for good reason.
If you do any investing on the NYSE, read this article to see if your trading involves any of the companies mentioned.
From a marketing standpoint, the shot Tiger made at 16 is priceless, right down to the Nike "swoosh" being lined up perfectly for the camera as the ball rolled in. Under the circumstances, this is probably the greatest shot ever made at 16, and there have been many great ones.
Despite the weather, stop and go playing, and course conditions, the Augusta National Golf Club, again, brought us a Sunday finishing round that will go down in history. Somehow, some way, this course seems to always deliver a nail-biter on Sunday.
I just heard an update about the "finger in the chili" story from San Jose. It turns out that the woman that reported the "digit" in her chili has had her house searched by authorities in Las Vegas.
Drudge is reporting that the line for viewing the Pope will be cut off late Wednesday evening, Vatican time, because it could have one million people in it and is 24 hours long. Being at the end of the line at DMV doesn't look so bad now. Read here.
Last Sunday Jane Fonda appeared on 60 Minutes, in part, to discuss her activities in North Viet Nam during the war, but mostly to sell a book.
The US delegation to the Vatican doesn't include Jimmy Carter. No room on Air Force One? That's a laugh. The truth is Carter is out to lunch, politcally. Not even Bush can afford to bring this whiney brat from Plaines along for fear he would embarrass the US with some impromptu press conference at St. Peter's. I'm sure his choice of seating at the Dem Convention didn't help his case either. Jimmy has never gotten over the spanking he received from Reagan in 1980, so he went to lunch and has been there since.
The pork buffet in California is getting shorter, less items are being offered, portions smaller, and many are not happy, even paranoid, about it. The protest in SF recently were large, loud and out of control. But these crowds of protesters were not your everyday citizen out there complaining that they are being short-changed by cutbacks in the state, these were the powerful unions protecting their turf.
Since the Pope passed away, two things have grabbed my attention: One is the amount of non-stop coverage on the cable news outlets. I didn't think it would last past a couple days, but this fellow was special and the side-stories about him are almost endless.
In an earlier post, I said I didn't think Jackson would hang around this country if convicted. No way would he ever go to jail. Today an article showed up on Drudge indicating Jacko has an invite if he chooses. Read it here.
The bottom was called a little over a week ago at $20.66. Since then MSO has edged up to $22.32 gaining all days with the exception of last Friday. Not bad. Let's hope this week brings more of the same, however, I don't look for too much of a gain for a month or so, when the media begins talking about progress on her new show.
I'm not a catholic nor do I practice a religion on a regular basis, though I should. That said, I must say I have enjoyed watching the Pope over the last quarter century, anyway.